„Die Zwillinge des berühmten Schauspielers sind bloß Kopien von ihm!“: Wie sehen die kleinen Erben von George Clooney aus?

„ER“, eine amerikanische Fernsehserie, war für George Clooney das Sprungbrett zum Ruhm. Fünf Jahre lang war der Schauspieler an den Dreharbeiten zu dieser Serie beteiligt. Obwohl es nicht sein erstes Filmprojekt war, war es eines der wichtigsten, als er anfing.

Im Kinofilm Batman und Robin von 1997 spielte George zum ersten Mal einen Superhelden und verdiente für die Hauptrolle 10 Millionen Dollar.
George Clooney ist heute 58 Jahre alt, hat in über 90 Filmen mitgespielt und gehört zu den bestbezahlten Schauspielern. Der Schauspieler hatte in seinem Privatleben zahlreiche Liebesbeziehungen. Er und Amal Alamuddin sind inzwischen verheiratet. Das Paar bekam vor zwei Jahren sein erstes Kind.
Amal is an attorney with extensive experience practicing in international courts. While lounging on the lake six years ago, she met George Clooney. The couple declared their intention to tie the knot a few months later, and in September 2014 they were wed.
The bride and groom looked very gorgeous in their wedding attire, which took place in Italy. This was a day that many guests, as well as the heroes of the occasion, would never forget because of the exquisite dishes and tastefully set tables.
Twins were born to the couple about three years after the wedding.

Seldom do images of Alexander and Ella, who are two years old, surface online. This is a result of parents’ reluctance to divulge personal information about their kids. It is only known that the father is also involved in the twins’ upbringing: George frequently goes on walks, plays with the kids, and assists with feeding them despite his ongoing work commitments.

When George Clooney was already 56 years old, he became a father. For the actor, their appearance turned into a true vacation. The young heirs travel frequently, own fancy designer clothing, and have numerous pricey toys that are produced to order. Alexander and Ella are the beneficiaries of the loving father’s efforts! The twins have reached the age of five now!